The municipal territory of Greve in Chianti, unlike what happens for Radda in Chianti, Gaiole in Chianti and Castellina in Chianti, it was divided into 4 different UGAs. These are Panzano, Lamole, Montefioralle and Greve. The latter is the largest UGA of the four, e it occupies the north-eastern part of the municipality of Greve in Chianti.
Its area can be traced back to the area delimited by the Chianti Mountains to the east,the Greve river to the west and the Ema torrent to the north; these natural elements divide the Greve UGA into 4 distinct areas. The first gravitates aroundto the villages of Strada in Chianti and Chiocchio: this area is characterized by the presence of shale shales.
The second, which can be found towards the north-east, is the San Polo area Chianti, characterized by the prevalence of Macigno and with a presence rarefied than the area used for vineyards.
The third, on the eastern side of the Chianti Mountains, coincides with the valley of Dudda and Lucolena: here the presence of a more microclimate is underlined fresh and of a particular and complex geological profile in which the Sugàme Marls stand out, cataloged within the Formation of Sillano.
The fourth instead corresponds to the hilly area that develops in the western part of the Chianti Mountains, therefore located on the shore right of the Greve river. Here the higher areas are the prerogative of the Macigno, while in the lower ones the Sillano Formations alternate and Pietraforte.
In the Greve UGA, which has a total area of 11,570 hectares, the altitude is between 150 and 375 metres. In this UGA the vineyards they occupy 7.9% of the territory, for a total area of 910 hectares.
We also note the presence of 980 hectares of olive groves.